Assemblies of God National Men’s Ministries Virtual Convention: DARE TO BE UNCOMMON

Friday 18th March 2022, enthusiastic men from various ethnic persuasions and age groups across Guyana and the world gathered on Zoom, Facebook and YouTube for a common purpose. To watch the National Men’s Ministries convention themed “Dare To Be Uncommon” from the comfort of their respective churches and homes.

The highly anticipated annual feature of the Assemblies of God (AOG) Men’s Ministries got underway with a word of prayer by executive member Bro. Samuel Ram.

Following the prayer, the virtual audience was blessed by the Goed Fortuin Life Improvement Center AOG men who led in worship. 

Reverend Michael Singh, the Director of the Men’s Ministries AOG Guyana, then gave the welcome for the convention by highlighting the theme “Dare To Be Uncommon” and the focus, which was particularly Daniel 1:8. Rev. Singh then sought to explain what the theme means. He noted that “Dare To Be Uncommon” speaks to strengthening one’s core. He further indicated that it speaks to “developing uncommon character inside and out. Men are called to live an uncommon life, and they must protect and build their core. To do that, they need to understand what their core comprises or who they really are.” Speaking about Daniel’s good choices, Rev. Singh suggested that a man’s core is measured by his consistency. He mentioned that a man must remain consistent even when faced with challenges. He ended his welcome by referring to the ministry of Jesus and the emphasis Jesus placed on one’s core.

The virtual Convention also provided a segment of special ministry compositions by talented men from across all the regions in Guyana. Bro. Mikel Fields of New Life AOG Royal Rangers blessed the audience with an original poem in line with the theme. The Praise Tabernacle AOG Men’s group then did a vigorous medley of songs led by Bro Noah Sills. Gifted saxophonist Reverend Richard McDonald then performed a beautiful rendition at his usual best standards.

Bishop Michael E Perreira then took the opportunity to briefly reflect on the accomplishments of the National Men’s Ministries and commended the leadership for their stellar work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Bishop Perreira later introduced the speaker for the convention, Bishop Balram Jadubal, whom he serves alongside on the Executive Presbytery for the Assemblies of God in Guyana.

Speaking on the convention theme, in his teaching from Daniel 1:1-21, Bishop Balram opened his message by adding a supporting statement to effectively convey his thoughts, “Putting God in the centre of your choice, dare to be uncommon”. 

In his message, the mighty man of God highlighted that Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego left a time-tested template for all subsequent generations. He challenged the young and older men attending the convention from the onset to be like Daniel and his friends in their choices, how they utilise opportunities and live their lives.

Bishop Jadubal suggested that “the world is looking for standard-bearers, the world is looking for people who will stand out and represent God and righteousness. Men who will not compromise their integrity or salvation; Men who will stand up in their marriages and be role models; men who will not sell their birthrights….” He further echoed that Daniel and his friends did not compromise their spiritual heritage.

In reviewing the account of Daniel 1:1-21, Bishop Jadubal began like a man on a mission, determined not to be deterred. He highlighted the instructions of King Nebuchadnezzar to Ashpenaz, his chief court official, which was to look for selected young men to be trained in the Babylonian economy. Bishop Jadubal observed that although Daniel and his friends were from royal Jewish lineage, they were Babylonian slaves who were given another opportunity. The speaker noted that this opportunity’s mere availability did not compromise Daniel and his friends because of their loyalty to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Bishop Jadubal then directed the audience to the importance of the chosen men’s calibre. He observed that Daniel and his friends’ royalty and nobility were important because quality and standard were important for the heathen king. Bishop Jadubal submitted that the sovereign God is also looking for men of high standard and quality. “Men who are without physical or spiritual blemishes.” Bishop Jadubal echoed. 

The servant of God further encouraged the audience about the significance of identity. Bishop Jadubal emphasized the importance of an encounter with God who is able to give a man his identity. He posited, “the creator is able to change men from gutter rats to aristocrats”. 

The impact of the message was striking, as evidenced by the active chats across the various platforms. As he continued, Bishop Jadubal noted that the king was looking for men gifted with all wisdom. Those who understood the time and season, the men that were knowledgeable and understanding. He also observed that the king wanted to train and indoctrinate Daniel and his friends about the Babylonian way of life. They were exposed to choice food and fine wine from the king’s table. Bishop Jadubal noted that although the young men had those opportunities, they remained resolute, and so should the men of our time. He insisted that men should not be fascinated by opportunities to sit with influential people because “…it does not matter who knows your name on earth; that does not matter, but it is important that God knows your name in heaven.”

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When talking about the three-year scholarships Daniel and his friends were offered, Bishop Jadubal suggested that worldly men offer nothing free, and there are always strings attached for one to compromise their integrity. He stated that Daniel and his friends nevertheless stood their ground. 

Some salient points were made by Bishop Jadubal when he spoke on the name change and attempted indoctrination of Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego by the Babylonian King.

Bishop Jadubal highlighted that the name change was meant to disconnect the young men from their heritage and brainwash them. The meaning of Daniel is “God is my Judge”, a meaning that the speaker suggested Daniel understood and needed to stand his ground to maintain his Jewish identity.  Bishop Jadubal echoed that “God knows everything we do, and we should walk circumspectly because he is our judge, and we should stand up for Jesus in our modern Babylon.” The meaning of Hananiah is “the lord has been gracious”. The Bishop reminded the men about the many times they could have been written off from God’s plan were it not for God’s grace. Mishael means “who is equal to God”. Bishop Jadubal vehemently stated the gods of Babylon cannot be compared to the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God. Whereas Azariah means “the Lord has helped”, implying that the help of God has kept many of us alive. 

When assessing the name changes, Bishop Jadubal showed precisely how they contradicted Daniel and his friends’ heritage. Daniel’s name was changed to Belteshazzar, which meant chief god of the Babylonians. Bishop Jadubal asserted it was an attempt to make Daniel a god. He stated, “the name change did not change the character and conduct of Daniel nevertheless. People who are looking for their own glory would forget God, unlike Daniel….” It does not matter how weak a man is in the church; he is better than the best sinner outside.”

Hananiah’s name was changed to Shadrach, which means servant of Aku, the moon god. Bishop Jadubal posited that this change was an attempt to not recognise the creative power of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Mishael was changed to Meshach, which means shadow of the prince who is god of this world. Azariah was changed to Abednego, which means servant of nego, the god of wisdom, or the morning star. Bishop Jadubal encouraged that “we must stand up for Jesus because the world is hurting. We must stand up for the truthful Word of God and against anything that does not conform with It. 

“It is said that living fishes swim against the tide, but dead fishes go with the tide; we must never go with the tide of the world. We must stand up for God on the promise and premise of the Word of God; The Word must be our template.” Bishop Jadubal stated.The servant of God observed that we must be intentional and deliberate about our choices and decisions. Choices have consequences, and it affects others. It is time for men to Dare To Be Uncommon! He closed the message by sharing that “in a world that is decaying; a world that is going to a lost eternity, we need men to dare to be different; we  need men that will not go with the world system.”

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